I have recently traveled to different places in the past few months for business and pleasure…I must say from city to city I have noticed a couple of things.

  1. Lines….am I a fan (of course not) but when you are not in your resident town. Your pretty much stuck like chuck outside and have to get in the back of the line or get there early.
  2. Cover charges suck I.E. Houston and Dallas have cover charges, a list or you have to know someone. Which for an Austinite that is used to bar hopping can be a costly night if you are paying lets say $10-15 a club. We are in a recession People!
  3. Another thing is figuring out where to go…as much as someone could hype up a place when you get there it is nothing like what you envisioned, Which sucks because usually nothing is close and who wants to drink and drive to the next place when again. Austin peeps love to toot and boot it when they aren’t feeling a place. And getting lost even if you have GPS is not any fun, which can ruin a night with all the waste of time it is to drive around!
  4. Meeting men/women when you are out of town…Its fun and all and you have a whole spectrum of new prospects but again. You don’t live and that town…and going in and starting a new friendship long distance is never fun….You can only skype so much!

All in all, going out anywhere or out of town is a lot of fun but when you don’t know who, what, when and where, can be stressful. Make sure you do a little research: Check out their website usually they will have picture buckets where you can scope out some previous nights to get an idea of what you are getting into!