As we walked into the party at Phoenix last Thursday someone forgot to send us the memo that body painting was on the agenda. Several shirtless and scantily clad “models” were on hand to showcase the work, if you will, of the artist that night. Actually, it was no different than most nights out on the scene of Austin fashion where pretty much anything goes.

Austin is known for its laid back demeanor and keeping it weird but sometimes a little effort goes a long way. Since our job revolves around looking well put together, it is nice to know our efforts are appreciated when we get compliments. If you ever wondered why that guy didn’t ask for your number last night? Perhaps that dress you squeezed in that resembled biscuits about to pop out of the can was just a little too tight. (Your friends don’t always tell the truth FYI). Ok we know it’s the club and you want to look sexy and inviting… Totally understandable we are all single out here just trying to have a good time. But don’t send the wrong message and end up looking slutty and intoxicated… NOT A GOOD LOOK!!

A well thought out outfit actually takes time sometimes days (no really) from your head to toes. It must be in perfect harmony. Sounds corny but you know when you see a person walk in the club and you can’t take your eyes away? … Yep you know what we’re talking about, her hair is perfectly coiffed and blowing in the wind, his jeans are fitting just right.. ahhh that’s who I want to take home… LOL. The lesson for the next night is: take your time, put some effort into your look because you never know who will be watching … because I know we will be! XOXO