Reyes Definition: Two friends go out…1 Boy + 1 Girl = NO PLAY!

So I, for one, love my boys. It pretty much makes life easier as a girl to hang out with just boys #imjustsayin’. But in my experience, being around a bunch of boys will basically rule out any guy to come talk to me unless I’m in route to and or from the bathroom..aka the ultimate cock block

Prime example: I went on a trip out of town with the besties and it was just me and him at the club (i.e. a regular night for me). So I was looking around for any eye candy….There were some but clearly they thought we were a couple…Because it’s impossible (they believe) for two people of the opposite sex to be hanging out but not be bumping uglies! Well, anyway I leave to go get us some drinks and I get 2 “is that your man?” and 1 “how come your man let you out alone”…GEEZ…I come back and homeboy is bumrushed by like 5 broads in the club…I, being the good friend that I am, take a hike and go dance in circles so homeboy can holler…It was pretty much a hilarious moment in my nightlife experience…One song comes to mind…You say he’s just a friend, you say he’s just a friend…oh baby youuuuuu!!! LMAO