I’ve been going downtown since I was 18. I’m a little strange, I usually went downtown alone, did my own thing. I preferred it, I could go where I wanted, stay at the club I liked and I didn’t have to worry about anything…

Such as…

  1. The girl friends who want to get sexy with me to put on a show for strange guys all night. (Get off of me, or wait till I’m tired or really drunk… at that point sure whatever)
  2. The boyfriend who holds you so you end up trapped and unable to actually dance. (It’s cute that you like me and the way I dance, but you are limiting my mobility so get off me)
  3. The friends with bad taste… so you’re listening to old rock instead of good hip hop (Seriously… do not ask me to leave the good music place to go have a beer with you… I do not come downtown to sit and drink and talk…its too loud and I have better drinks at home)
  4. The friends who want to get super sloppy drunk. (The music’s good but damn it I have to babysit)
  5. Then the worst and most common problem… which is why girls have to go out with a group. The D-Bags that see a stranger and feel its appropriate to just grab and hump… get off me… I do not want to dance with you!!! You are not good looking enough, or smooth, and even if you were I do not want strange hands on my body…. anywhere….

Thank god for friends who dance… next to you… near you… to good music… that don’t get sloppy…. that don’t bitch and change clubs every couple minutes… it took me 7 years to find awesome people who get it. I don’t want to dance with you……..but let’s take a shot, dance near each other to some good music with good people and forget the stress to enjoy the fun.